Navigating Crisis
Support, guidance, and advice to help you navigate this time of uncertainty.
The future of your workforce is changing
To prevent further spread of the coronavirus, many companies have had to dramatically change the way that their day-to-day work is carried out. Not only is this jarring for your team, but the added pressure of managing a newly remote workforce, balancing childcare and business needs, and trying to operate as best you can leave you feeling burnt out.
Mitrefinch understands how challenging this time is not just for business owners, but for everyone. Which is why we're building a bank of resources for you covering topics from helping to smooth the transition to full-time working from home, how to take your business practise digital, productivity and wellbeing tips for you and your employees and more.
Resources and support for businesses, managers, and employees
Resources, guides, and advice for navigating the new normal.
Ensuring Business Continuity During COVID-19
We can support you and employees to help your business run smoothly.
A message from our CEO, Matt Jenkins
As more and more countries take action to manage and mitigate the impact of coronavirus, its disruptive impact is increasing day by day. We know this is a very unsettling time for everyone. At Mitrefinch we have been closely monitoring the developments of COVID-19 in order to be able to support our employees and customers and ensure business continuity. We want to assure you that Mitrefinch is open for business and that right now you require our advice, expertise and solutions in order to support your staff, manage your business operations and overcome short-term productivity challenges.
Our professional and personal landscapes continue to change as Coronavirus sweeps across our planet. Everybody is trying to adapt to their "new normal" away from their familiar places of work, friendly faces, and usual routines. We share some resources to help our customers, managers, employees, and everyone in between, navigate the ebbs and flows of life under lockdown.
Free Customer Webinar: Your COVID-19 Questions Answered
Download Guide
How to manage staff working from home
Download Guide
The Latest Furlough Update
Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that the furlough scheme will be extended by a further 5 months until the 30th September 2021.
How to prepare to "re-onboard" your workforce as lockdown lifts
Essential advice for employers from our Commercial Director, Julie Lock, on how to prepare for, and approach, re-onboarding your workforce as lockdown restrictions begin to lift in the coming months.
Protecting your business premises during lockdown
We provide an all-encompassing rundown of what unauthorised access is, why it should be prevented and how to use access control to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus between your workers and customers now.
7 Tips on How to Master Working from Home
Mitrefinch team member Callum Bowley shares his top tips for staying motivated, productive, and most of all, sane, whilst adapting to full-time working from home.
How can Mitrefinch help you?
We can help you manage many of your day-to-day administrative tasks, including time and attendance and payroll, remotely and in many instances have you up and running in less than five working days. Talk to a member of our team and schedule a virtual demo of the products that will help solve your biggest headaches.